+381 62 256192

About multiple sclerosis

Effects of Multiple sclerosis

When someone suffers from MS, his own immune system attacks myelin sheath, which is made of cells that surround and protect the nervous system (spinal cord and brain). That leads to the disconnection between brain and the organs causing dizziness, vertigo, confusion, memory, vision, speech, balance and other problems.

Although the exact causes of MS are still unknown, the effects of this condition are well known:

  • Brain interruptions(confusion, memory loss, cognitive changes, dizziness, vertigo, seizures)

  • Emotional changes (depression, frustration, stress, and other emotional changes)

  • Difficulty in swallowing (and other symptoms like coughing, choking, etc.)

  • Speech problems ( slurring, volume or pitch changes)

  • Breathing difficulty (pain in the chest, fatigue and inflammations are common for MS patients)

  • Increased cardiovascular risk (patients suffering of MS, especially women have increased risk of stroke and heart disease)

  • Bladder problems (often bladder and urinary infections, as well as diarrhea and constipation are common effects of MS)

  • Weakened immune system (this increases risk of pneumonia and other infections that further cause MS flare-up)

  • Hand-eye coordination inability (it also causes tingling, numbness, and pins and needles sensation)

  • Sexual dysfunction (however, MS doesn’t cause fertility problems)

  • Weak bones (MS can also lead to osteoporosis)

  • Muscle weakness (in severe cases, muscles are that much damaged that patient can’t walk and has to use wheelchair)

  • Balance problem (as well as coordination problems)

Contact us and our doctors will recommend you an individual therapy and will offer you the best stem cell application.