+381 62 256192

About multiple sclerosis

Facts about MS

  • Multiple sclerosis is usually first diagnosed between ages 20-40.

  • Overall statistics show that there are 2.5 million of people in the world diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

  • It is an autoimmune disease and it mainly attacks central nervous system.

  • MS Is twice as common among women than it is in men.

  • Multiple sclerosis doesn’t affect life span much, and it can shorten one’s life by 10 years at most.

  • Those living further from equator have higher chances of being diagnosed.

  • Word sclerosis comes from Greece and it means hardening of tissue or scars.

  • There are four types of MS: Relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS), Primary-progressive MS (PPMS) and Progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS).

  • The first time people get diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, in 85% case it’s with Relapsing-remitting MS type.

  • 50% of people with Relapsing-remitting type will transition into Secondary-progressive MS type within 10 years.

  • Pregnant women suffering from this disease have fewer or no relapses during pregnancy, but tend to have more of them 2-3 months after the delivery.

  • There are no universally appropriate medications that help the disease.

  • Everyone experience different symptoms of MS. There are no two patients with the exact same mix.

  • Most people with multiple sclerosis suffer from fatigue.

  • Multiple sclerosis is not contagious.

  • Genetics don’t play a huge part in whether or not a person will get multiple sclerosis, but the two are linked.

  • Multiple sclerosis treatments can usually cost anywhere from $8.500 to $54.000 yearly.

  • Africa and Asia are the two continents with the lowest number of diagnosed people.

  • Those with type 1 diabetes, thyroid disease and inflammatory bowel disease have a slightly higher chance of getting multiple sclerosis.

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