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About multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis seizures, tremors, tingling, twitching

Only about 8% of people diagnosed with MS ever experience an epileptic seizure, and around 2%-3% of them have regularly active seizures.

Researchers still don’t know why exactly seizures happen more to those with multiple sclerosis, but it is noticed that they are more frequent when the disease flares up. Luckily, those who go through seizures can usually successfully control them with medication.

People with multiple sclerosis can also experience tremors.They are characterized by shaking movements that can’t be controlled willingly and can appear in any part of a body, but the most common are those in the arms and legs. They can be very visible, or only detectable by the person having them.

There are the two main types of tremors: intention tremors and postural tremors. Intention tremors are those that happen only when a person is moving. The postural tremor is less common and is experienced when a person is standing or sitting, but not when lying down.

Those suffering from multiple sclerosis may also experience signs of tingling and twitching. Tingling is characteristic especially as an early sign of the disease. Muscle twitching could be one of the symptoms as well, but as with most of the other symptoms, it varies from person to person, and not everybody experiences the same things.

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