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About multiple sclerosis

New Treatment for Multiple sclerosis – Stem cells

Nerves are surrounded with myelin – a protective sheath of a cell. Multiple sclerosis damages myelin and disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. MS cannot be cured, but numerous treatments can help patients keep the symptoms under control, and prevent the further damage. One of the most promising treatments for MS is certainly the stem cell treatment because besides preventing further progress of the disease, it also repairs the damage that has already been made.

Stem cells have the ability to make new cells and repair those that were damaged because they are already a part of body’s repair system naturally. By enhancing and increasing their number during the treatment, they help the body revive and repair lost nerve fibres, causing the overall health improvement. What stem cell treatment offers to multiple sclerosis patients is a form of re-myelination , meaning that myelin sheath that was damaged by the disease gets rebuilt.

In Swiss Medica clinic, stem cell therapy is done with adult stem cells from person’s own organism, so there is no risk of side effects or rejection from the body. After a stem cell therapy, a body receives around 200-300 million stem cells. All the organs and cells become fresh and renewed.

Other very important advantage of stem cell treatment for multiple sclerosis patients is immunomodulation , which prevents the immune system from attacking itself and its nerve cells. This decreases the possible future damage. Patients who have tried this treatment consider their condition and symptoms to be improved by 81.6%, on average. Although results may vary, symptoms such as eye pain, speech problems, focus, memory, sickness, weakness, pain, muscle stiffness and headache are the ones that showed to be the most prone to improvements.

Swiss Medica clinic helped numerous patients suffering from this disease, from all around the world. We made it possible for those who were unable to walk, to start walking again. Those who couldn’t see well began to see clearly. After the stem cell treatment, pain decreases or disappears. Symptoms improve, leading to an overall better quality of life. However, every patient is different, so the treatment won’t work exactly the same for everyone. Some may see the results right after the treatment, which most commonly happens, but some patients might have to wait for the full culmination up to a few months. In some cases, six months was needed for therapy to react fully.

Contact us and our doctors will recommend you an individual therapy and will offer you the best stem cell application.